
New Highway RN77 between DJEN – DJEN and EL EULMA (Algeria)


Design of viaducts in CAP with constant section.


The activity carried out by BOLINA falls within the design of the constant section viaducts of the new highway that connects the city of Djen-Djen to the East-West highway at El Eulma level.

The viaducts are built with the post-compressed prefabricated segment technology.

The lights covered by the various viaducts are constant. The typical span is 60m while the shore spans are of two types: 40m or 46m.

The lengths of the viaducts are variable and some have the two routes with different lengths. Max length 560m.

BOLINA has been engaged in modeling and FEM analysis, for the purposes of designing and verifying the individual launch phases, and the operating phases of the viaducts themselves. As for the drawing, he prepared an advanced executive project to replace the shop drawing, which included the construction drawings of the reinforcements and the development of technical solutions necessary to facilitate the construction of the reinforcement cages.

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