
Workart on Aspi – DT1 e DT2 (Italia)


Organization of audits – on-desk checks inspection sheets – ongoing on-site checks in the presence of level 0 inspectors – on-site checks ex post inspection sheet


During the activity, Level II Audit activities were planned and carried out on the inspections of the works of art of the ASPI motorway asset headed by Trunk Headquarters No. 1 of Genoa and No. 2 of Milan. The on-desk activity provided for the sample check of inspection sheets to verify compliance with the Surveillance Manuals of the various types of works and for the consistency of the defects found with what is indicated in the respective defect catalogs. Another part of the activity consisted in the On Site checks of the procedural adherence of the Level 0 inspections to the directives of the Manuals and the random check of the defects reported on the inspection sheets with the one actually present. The checks concerned both the Major Works (Bridges and Viaducts, Overpasses and Tunnels), and the Minor Works (station and parking shelters, poles, chloride storage systems, fixed and variable message panels, etc.).

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