
Grande Raccordo Anulare (GRA), Italy


Design and positioning scheme of sets of triaxle accelerometers for data acquisition systems on bridges and viaducts within the GRA


The Grande Raccordo Anulare (GRA, A90), is a toll-free, two-way with at least 3 lanes per direction, ring-shaped of medium diameter of about 21 km and length of 68.2 km orbital motorway that encircles Rome. GRA is one of the most important roads in Rome, and traffic reaches 160,000 vehicles per day.

The GRA includes more than 100 between bridges and viaducts.

ANAS has the task of keeping the road system in question efficient and as part of the surveillance and maintenance activity, it has started a data collection activity both at the documental and structural level.

The installation of an integrated sensor system capable of providing a set of data by assessing its temporal evolution falls within the surveillance strategy to which ANAS is responsible.

The activities carried out by BOLINA include the design and positioning scheme of sets of triaxle accelerometers for data acquisition systems on bridges and viaducts within the GRA.

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